It is a funny thing; this hobby that we endure - sorry, enjoy.
On every other Sunday, I ponder why I can't pursue a past-time that does not require me to drag my sorry ass out of bed at sparrow's fart o'clock to drive between one and three hours to an event to go riding.
You see, I rather like the idea of cracking one eye open, yawning, stretching, scratching, and then (eventually) rolling out of bed to make a first, then second and then third cup of tea. These I enjoy whilst I decide how long I am going to contemplate the notion of actually doing anything.
As it happens, I live in a house with a small patch of artificial lawn, a lot of paving, and very depauperate garden beds. So even that actual 'doing' of anything is still relatively effortless.
That being the case, it should be immediately apparent that competing in dirt bike events is not at all conducive with how I want to spend my Sunday.
Nevertheless, I do it.
Fortunately, it is not long into an event that I am reminded of why I do it! Quite simply, it is good fun to be had with good people.

Yes, you have to clean air filters (at least once per season), but that is not too messy and does not take too long.
Yes, you have to check your oil levels (apparently oil should be changed more than once a season, but my bike never seems to require such pernicketyness) and then drain the extra oil out when you realise your viewing window is so clouded you can't see that you have enough oil already in the bike.
Oh and tyre pressures! You have to check your tyre pressures as they do seem to go flat in the off-season.
But once this minor myriad of tasks are done you are ready to get out into the great outdoors to shift some dirt and mud!
It has to be said that there can be few better places to ride than the rolling hills and deep cut gullies of Toodyay. A landscape of free-flowing crystal-clear streams, littered with granite outcrops and dappled in stunning Salmon Gums that all seem to simply bring the scene to life.
Fortunately for Trials riders, there are people on the planet that allow us the extraordinary privilege of riding their properties. People like Dave Thomas, Mark Austin, Massimo Pinto and numerous others, too many to mention.
The properties on which we are able to ride are, by all accounts, as stunning as they are challenging (and sometimes debilitating). They make this sport just so damn enjoyable.

Talking to trials legend Neil Price only a few hours into the day this was ratified to the nth degree. Neil wandered over as we were toping up fuels.
When I asked him how his day was going this was his response, verbatim:
"Audrey (his oldest) is off riding with Poppy. Charlotte was struggling with the lap and has parked up to play! I got a flat front tyre and I've just realised my front axle has completely seized!!!! I have no more f#$%s to give. I'm out!"
The incredible thing about this was that it was said with a massive grin on his dial, as he tucked into two consecutive rounds of silverside sandwich and a cup of tea.
You see, even a bad day is still a beautiful day when you ride Trials.
